Man, tonight was a bust. I kept checking my cellphone for the time... we (me, the large girl w/the japanese sandles and the collective freshmen, the fake hos, the untested gamers sat for about an hour before anything anime happened. First it was yet another night of waiting to get let into the Penthouse, then it was
"we can't show anime until Mike gets here". A ps2 was whipped out, then speeches..guh. I hate to admit it, but I was really not interested in watching Soul Calibur II, for the first time in my life. Huh.
I was getting a really negative vibe. All the people that I recognized from last year were doing a fine job of not making eye-contact with me, or saying anything, or...I dunno, acting friendly at all. Maybe they're just anti-social, maybe they're waiting for me to initiate? No way! I did the Dogma test and sneezed super-loud (for real). Not one of them said a word.+_)@$
..and that, kids, is why I probably won't be attending any more anime club meetings.