Friday, September 30, 2005


This is something I found quite amusing from my tour of Coxsackie CF, a maximum security prison just south of Albany.


Clearly there are good reasons for every one of those rules (this was in a vocational metal shop), but no rapping? Seriously?! This has some parallels to Escape from LA or some crap.

When did rap become a problem in max's? How does it effect a work environment? Questions!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

dinosaurs belong in museums

I used to sigh and think fondly back to those days where we drove around campus screaming "KILL YOURSELF!!" out Juese's car window...heck, out of any car window! College days, some people say they're the best time of your life. Up until last month, I might've agreed.

Something happened last month. I think it was Z telling me that she considered me an artist, even if I didn't. Something about re-learning about the independent film scene, editing Nth Mile, meeting artists and generally DESIRING to tell people that I'm an independent filmmaker again. Film excites me, and I WILL get my foot in the proverbial door at some point. "Your focus determines your reality" or some crap.

Point = things are looking up! Possibly attending the Woodstock Film Festival on Sat!

more link GO

Monday, September 26, 2005


IT'S .. (whoop, capslock) it's always the same. Every time I waltz up to a skill crane that I know is good, it always puts out on the first try. Excited, I dump more money into said machine, and it stones me like a Bible-thumpin lottery players.

Today, tho, I was 3 for 3. That means no matter the order, I won 3 Sugar Loafs with three bucks. Look up how we got the term "buck" to mean "a dollar". It's priceless that we still use it today.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

once again, I hate Rob Liefield.

on hurricane RITA

Friday, September 23, 2005

status: PC

MGS is no FPS!!!

I talked to a cool geek doing tech support (a job I applied for last summer!) and we came to a fun conclusion: I needed a new cable modem. I took my year-old-one into Time Warner (picked up the last 6 eps of Zoids on the way) and vwala! Free new cool (working) cable connection! Woo-hoo!

Even better is that my new keyboard/mouse plug right into the 6-year old Dell I'm running while the PowerMac is in the shop...again. Hopefully it'll be out before you can say "logic board replacement!"

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

eat a fatty for life!

My PowerMac G5's logic board is dying. Again.

feeeeehhhh>>>>>>>> nothing can stop this. Random freezes and failure to startup has happened before, and it is doomed to happen more and more. This might hamper Nth Mile progress, which was nearly almost at "Rough Cut Compwete" status.

Frustrated, I finally said FUCK IT and went to CompUSA to replace my wireless pain-in-the-ass keyboard and mouse. For $40 I got replacements that DON'T NOT WORK. GRRAAARIOIROO!


Monday, September 19, 2005

it's catchy

...and if you don't get the irony behind this one, you need to listen to more NPR.


Wanda and the Collossus:

Buy Upon Sight.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

2 laughs

Saturday, September 17, 2005

roll you up into my life~~

I really thought my socially-challenged neighbors were gone for good when I saw THESE GENTS pulled up one day. Mr. Ding-A-Ling brings his own flavor of Justice to the ValleyView community! cha-chuk!

This weekend has been a Blur of Awesome. I met a ton of wicked cool people at a wicked gallery opening, squished some wicked bugs and caught some wicked anime. WICKED!!!

Lindsey got in late Friday night and we attended the semi-annual Flea Market in a Cemetary behind the Roller Rink. We got some seriously sweet crap! Let's see, my list includes Sabotage and The Man Who Knew Too Much (hitchcock), How God Makes Peanut Butter (a children's book), $20 shelves, an old, racist pamphlet about how them darned Japs are underselling us, some ancient postcards for Brett and even a mystery item that will no doubt find its way into an X-Striker's hands around X-Mas time.

Just now we finished putting up fun lights in the bathroom and glow-in-the-dark stuff all over the bedroom ceiling. You know that you've finally moved in when the glowy stuff gets put up.

We ran into Lark Fest downtown and it was great! Caught a street magician with some cool spins on the shell game and a juggler who looked like a cop who had his own wacky soundtrack playing.

i loathe video art

Friday, September 16, 2005

anime club night


Man, tonight was a bust. I kept checking my cellphone for the time... we (me, the large girl w/the japanese sandles and the collective freshmen, the fake hos, the untested gamers sat for about an hour before anything anime happened. First it was yet another night of waiting to get let into the Penthouse, then it was "we can't show anime until Mike gets here". A ps2 was whipped out, then speeches..guh. I hate to admit it, but I was really not interested in watching Soul Calibur II, for the first time in my life. Huh.

I was getting a really negative vibe. All the people that I recognized from last year were doing a fine job of not making eye-contact with me, or saying anything, or...I dunno, acting friendly at all. Maybe they're just anti-social, maybe they're waiting for me to initiate? No way! I did the Dogma test and sneezed super-loud (for real). Not one of them said a word.+_)@$

..and that, kids, is why I probably won't be attending any more anime club meetings.

turn your hampster into a FIGHTING MACHINE

Yesterday I attended the Albany Underground gallery opening at the Institute of History and Art on Washington St. It. Was. Freaking. Awesome>.>>>>>>>!

I didn't bring my camera (darnitalL!) but I will on Saturday when Z and I do a runthrough. Not only was the art amazing (favorite pieces to come...saturday night) but the people were surprisingly cool! Brooke and the art peeps were all there and they had some great history / ideas that I'm sure I'll get to hear much more of the next time we all meet.

For now, close your eyes and imagine a big woman made of parts from a globe, lounging on a couch. Yes. Yes, big woman!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Harry and the Potters!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


JC, if you're out there, I just had a dream* where you were a pink-scaled fish-person with two sets of eyes (one red, one blue), and after I woke up I thought that it would be good if you never left the state of Vermont.

This was right after the part where Dr. Eggman and Mutley raced the cast of Super Smash Bros. around a boardgame, lost, and then Godzilla was somehow involved. But yeah, you as a pink-scaled fish person. It was weird!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


My beautiful, shiny new computer keeps freezing. Again.

Looks like as soon as I have a rough cut of Nth Mile done, it's back to Castle Computers for two weeks...sigh...

Saturday, September 10, 2005

favorite new site


Thursday, September 08, 2005

i see you, future!

Last night, I had a dream.

A dream where restaurant-going families that go out to dinner on Friday nights could freely play Trivial Pursuit, Trucker Racing games and other videogame favorites... on THE TABLE. Using the table as a projection plate / interactive push-button thingie, we could market it anywhere in the world! Imagine, Play-As-You-Wait.


Monday, September 05, 2005


This weekend = crazy.

First, Z and I had amazingly bad luck trying to find 3 letterboxes, which all turned out to have REALLY VAGUE DIRECTIONS and weird "look for a crack in a rock" crap that I suspect holds some sort of meaning to the person who wrote it, but not to the average adventurer.

Three for three, nothing. We must've walked a few miles, because on one trek we walked for two hours straight. On the plus side, it was really gorgeous out, and we saw 4 cute bunnies. Everybody loves bunnies!

Today Jennine came by and told me how to spell her name 4 R3@|_. I'm really bummed that she won't be around the area anymore, but she'll be alot happier out of Boston, out of the evil influence of the horn-honking Mass_holes. Plus, she'll be in Colorado, which I've never been (outside of the Denver airport). ROAD TRIP 2006!

That's about it for today. Check out the official abridged release of Captain S episode one over at Awesome Squad. I cut about 4 minutes out of the middle, but now it makes more sense, I think. Maybe.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

oh baby, oh yeah!

Last night I made a romantic dinner for Z - candlelight and everything! It was spurned from the last conversation we had about cooking, how I thought that cooking meant "heating something in the oven" and she corrected me by saying that cooking meant something more. It meant playing with ingredients, spices, and putting different things into a dish at different times, stuff like that.

Well, it threw me for a loop, until last night when I really concentrated hard on what she said. She was, of course, totally right - so I bucked up and went to Hannafords for some love-love ingredients. It was my first time frying stuff with Olive Oil and Teriyaki sauce, but it was a total success! I recommend this to anyone who wants to break into cooking without having to bend over backwards.

Teriyaki Wraps