Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Got an offer to do a website by a Fredonia alum yesterday - and even negotiated a little bit in price and when to start the thing. This is a good direction. Hello, freelance media world.

These last few days Z and I have been spending alot of time together. Things got REALLY cute, and...I guess that's why I haven't updated in a week. Turkey Day came and went, my fam is still awesome, and yeah - the only small things that Z and me disagree on are so minute that its not even worth mentioning.

I love that girl. End post.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Sunday, November 20, 2005

The Puppet Master Delivereth.

To anybody reading this blog, suckle upon these tasty nuggets. Scene 09 is shot.

This weekend Z came up to Albany and we .. ~le sigh~ .. hung out for a whole 2.7 days. It's great when she's around...we go out, watch movies, play videogames, oh yeah - and occassionally we'll collaborate on something creative.
Nth Mile needed a wacky flashback scene, and Z helped me realize the greatest possible option imaginable - puppets.

Gah! I'd write more but I can't come up with the proper words. 'Prepare to be Amazed!' or something. This one scene took more blood, sweat, and planning than anything we did in the rest of the movie - and it shows.

Friday, November 18, 2005

the stage of HISTORY

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

inspiration, at last

I've decided that the movie be more about 'inspiration' than 'stealing music'.

and on the rear-view...was a HOOK!

Work sure did drag today. I've been using my spare time (try 6 hours) to brush up on my screenplay writing. With my 'C' in Script Writing looming over my head, I figured it couldn't hurt. Plus if I'm going to give this next 'professional' movie a decent try, it might as well start quality from the first step.

I've been changing the ending of this piece every day this week, and I can't nail it down! Every day I think up something new, but nothing fits.

CraftyPants said to start with a good hook, and if that doesn't arouse people's interests right away, amend it or start over. That seems fair.

So here's my hook so far:

"A struggling music-writer who stole his first hit from an evil witch must revisit her forest to get more 'inspiration'."

What'dya think?? Good, bad, change? Comments, people!

Monday, November 14, 2005

I am my own internet legend.

This past weekend was VGXPO in Philly, aka Philly Classic with some NBC affiliates thrown in.

Friday I was driving all day, picking up The Riley Boys, Jwaquime (sp?) and Joe_Cam, finally making it to Philly and then Pappy's place in Pemberton, NJ at 1:30 AM. We (they) got blitzed and stayed up watching decently made fan-hentai until 5, at which Shael mumbled alot during his sleep on the drive home. Frigging PA construction!

Saturday came and went. X-Strike sold about 20 DVDs before I stopped counting; I passed out with 0 sleep before watching the rough cut of Project: Snake with REZ and making 2 whole pages worth of notes. That movie is shaping up, but its got some fundamental flaws...much like that "other" movie that I'm editing right now! Speaking of which,.....gotta get back to that..

OK!@ Quick run-down on my favorite crap: Playing Moon Patrol, beating Dragon's Lair, seeing some awesome cabinets like Defender, Zaxxon, Berserk, and more. Getting good feedback on Nth Mile, hanging out (and passing out) with great friends. Thanks to Devon for snapping 1/2 of these. IMAGE DUMP GO!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

i laugh so hald! then I crick secon fire-ru.

Fight the Religious Right

Monday, November 07, 2005


weekend image dump AHOY!!

Sunday, November 06, 2005


I just saw one of the coolest lightning storms EVAR (from the safety of my car). There were multiple strikes all across the sky, snake lighting that weaved in and out of clouds...man...it was great.

oh yeah. There was this other thing I was gonna mention, about spending the entire weekend with Z. It doesn't get any better than seeing your significant other for a full two days. You people out there that get to spend all week w/em, best be appreciating! You never know how much of a good thing you're missing until its 5 hours away.

Bird Feeding Misadventures and Carousel+2 pics to come tomorrow!