Sunday, June 17, 2007

Greater Gaming Culture - a series of docs

A few weeks ago (2 months ago?) I pitched the idea of a series of 'gamer documentaries' to the other PBC members, and they seemed pretty into it. Now, with last Friday marking the release of our second doc, I can finally say that it's a hit!

Within 24 hours of the release of 'Hardcore', the first in a two-parter about the Gamers Unite rally in May, it recieved 6,000 unique views - more than most episodes of Captain S have gotten in their entire run. After these numbers started to happen that we realized these docs were going to catch on, and that making more is imperative.

Part two - 'The Stand' hit the internet on Friday and (although I don't know the hit count yet) the response has been super positive. It just goes to show that gamers are interested in more than just videogame reviews and messageboard chatter. In addition to producing the NPC doc in July, we'll be continuing on the 'greater gaming culture' doc series, so expect more @ PBC.

Thanks for reading =


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