This is something I found quite amusing from my tour of Coxsackie CF, a maximum security prison just south of Albany.

Clearly there are good reasons for every one of those rules (this was in a vocational metal shop), but no rapping? Seriously?! This has some parallels to Escape from LA or some crap.
When did rap become a problem in max's? How does it effect a work environment? Questions!!!

Clearly there are good reasons for every one of those rules (this was in a vocational metal shop), but no rapping? Seriously?! This has some parallels to Escape from LA or some crap.
When did rap become a problem in max's? How does it effect a work environment? Questions!!!
Thanks for some quality points there. I am kind of new to online , so I printed this off to put in my file, any better way to go about keeping track of it then printing?
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