Sunday, July 31, 2005


so many posts, so little time! beh! Watch SOCK BABY, it's action-tacular


Saturday, July 30, 2005

greatest band in the universe

“There's a difference between nerds and losers,” says MC Bat Commander, "all these people whining about how they are losers and nobodies, 'cuz they feel sorry for themselves or something. It's such a cop-out. Nerds are different, they believe in something. They believe in themselves, regardless of what they've accomplished yet. So, if that makes me a 'nerd,’ sign me up."


dooced: to lose one’s job because of one’s website.

I'm thinking back on all the terrible things I've posted here about my current (terriffic, great, marvelous) job and cringe. I suppose all the 'dooced' employees thought that their opinions were valid, but I guess they should have shown more discretion. On the other hand, companies firing you for something you put in your personal journal is High School absurd. Based off of the list, I'd say the blame's 50/50.

Thank goodness there's only one internet-literate person at work, who also happens to be into comic books and being really, really cool.

siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh! (a good sigh)

it's finally done.

It took a few hours here or there on company time, designing...planning...building - and it took a week w/Eric up at my apt and nearly 30 FIERCE Gatorades, but we did it.

And it frickin WORKS.

Monday, July 25, 2005

apollo-ite 4 life

My big bro is coming to stay for the week. By Friday AwesomeSquad will launch (and I'll be able to put a real url there!). I'm thinking we should have a mascot-designing contest, since we have been unable to come up with one on our own. Maybe some talented mofo out there reading this RIGHT NOW is thinking of one...

Did I ramble about Space Channel 5 Special Edition (ps2) yet? It is groove-tastic. So many times I was denied by the DreamCast version that I lost interest in ever getting to the end of Stage 2. Thankfully this version has been reprogrammed and I can beat it in one sitting, like most rythum games. The story of SC5...hilarious with a very solid progression of difficulty and wackiness. SC5 part 2 (yes, a sequel!) elaborates on the musical sections of the game by adding instrument battling, a much better timing system, longer levels, and even singing. Best part so far: in level two Ulala is grabbed by a giant plant and has to dodge naughty tentacles. I swear I heard sarcasm as the incredible Apollo Smile screams "that's not fair!". I got it for $15 at EB.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

under the stairs boy

I just borrowed the first two HP books from Kristen, as Z has sparked my interest in actually reading them. My philosophy on books is usually "don't read 'em", but since the movies are so kickass I believe I'll actually try this one. It's been so long since I actually picked up a series that just the idea is making me feel great. Hope it lasts.

Here's my standpoint on the HP books/movies debate. The movies are rock solid, the books are rock solid. Two different mediums but they both work. People that read the books say that the movies disappoint because stuff is left out, so I say that people who watch the movies FIRST and then read the books have the advantage. This way you can enjoy the remarkable story without thinking or hesitation, and then have the added joy of exploring the fleshed-out adventures contained within the books. My idea is to read the books so slowly that by the time I get to book seven, I'll have already watched the final movie. Thanks to my naturally slow pace (10 pages a day), I'll have time to spare.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


greeeeeeeeeeeeeeat bowling adventure of the seas!!!!
(still don't have camera.)

Karma was not with us at the Clifton Park Rock'N'Bowl. First the man known to many as HEAm struck out w/the bank and w/his choice of bowling arenas (who closes exclusively on Thursdays?). We switched to Clifton Park, his home town - STRATEGY?? Man, bowling was awesome. Fingers were nearly twisted off, granny shots were taken and triple digits just barely happened. The Leaguers showed up and we took off, but not before 4 horrible skill cranes frustrated me and we shot the hell out of sea animals in the wackiest SEGA arcade game since Jambo! Safari.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


grownin up

Resident Evil 4

A great, I just had the urge to pick it up again. This urge lasted...all 1 sub-chapter. It was the creepiest part of the game, too - the Ashley mission. I was recalling as she dodged suits of armor and bumbling cultists, that this was so freaking scary to play the first time through. You don't have a weapon, only a flashlight - that's what got me. Leon is a zombie-killing badass who can fend off anything...Ashley is pretty much the opposite of that.

Anywho, I was running straight through the level thinking, "ah man, this used to be sooo creepy. Maybe it's my inexplicable knowledge of where I'm going and what monsters are ahead that makes this so not fun now. ... Yup." I always reach a limit with games where I just can't pick it up anymore, regardless of how awesome it is. CTR and FF7...I was an ultimate fan of those games, logged countless hours on 'em and couldn't understand when my buddy Jesse told me he was stuck in Midgar. "What?? You pick it up, play an hour and then...put it DOWN??!" I'm starting to wonder if my boyhood obsession is losing steam w/in me...if I'm going from casual to 'every-once-in-awhle'.

I love gaming culture; this distresses me.

Monday, July 18, 2005

<3 means something

I love the internet and computers.

One weekend without a computer brought me back to the old days of imagination, where I'd have to make up stories w/action figures and run around in the forest avoiding scary monsters. I realized a few months back that I can no longer play with toys the way I used to (a sad fact), even though now I can finally afford to collect them with something better than my $2.5 weekly allowance. Now I'm realizing that those days of imagination and wonder are over, too, and I really need stimulation from a machine. Badly.

Internet/computer/gaming culture is to me what sports are to the rest of my family...with the exception of Leah, who is into....god knows what. I was really disappointed that I couldn't fix my new Mac and had to finally throw in the towel, taking it to a service place. I tell computer people that I'm not a 'computer person', but everybody that loves sports and has minimal knowledge of the internet calls me one. It's just like being good with cars - they're a necessary tool that you should probably know more about! Why can't we all service them? I guess we're just not interested/dedicated enough.

This leads me to the conclusion that: I love computers. And the internet, who lubs ya? ME

Sunday, July 17, 2005



Sup internet. My mac is having heart palpitations that require hospitalization. Ironically, this weekend I'll be at Ren Fest on lake ontario. Ironic. I-Ron. TRON.

Anyway, until it gets out of the shop, I ...GUESS I'll have to go back to my 5 year-old Dell. I knew there was a reason I didn't chuck it three months ago! As soon as this week ends, hopefully I'll never have to use it again. Don't get me wrong, Windows is nice and easy to use (now) but I'm trying to believe that I've moved on to better things.

Anybody out there drooling for Godzilla: Final Wars ?

Friday, July 15, 2005



this made me smile AND tear up.

I paid $500 on my student loan this week, and my mac is crashing like crazy, which OSX should never, ever do. I think I have faulty RAM chips, which I blame on my horrible ex-girlfriend QDOS.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

one cool dude

Hung out with a cool cat 'Jonathan' at Crossgates today. We played DDR, HydroThunder, Time Crisis3, the usual. He told alot of stories and I threw in some of mine. He's a real straight-up kind of guy, kind of like me...even raised out in the boonies, too. Anywho, we walked the entire mall about 3 times and wound up in an EB, where I realize that I still haven't picked up the August Nintendo Power where RCR gets a mention. I snag it and proceed to squawk proudly about the guys I used to hang with and how it feels so good to see something you toiled on get mentioned in a national magazine, even if it's way in the back.

I have a way of not mentioning X-Strike when I meet people. I feel like if I say "oh yeah well i used to make movies!" potential friends might think I'm full of crap or worse, full of myself. Today marked the first time I proudly displayed, to a full stranger, my secret hobby. "I make movies about videogames, usually on less than $200." I called it a night when he mentioned seeing Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

no means no!

Every day I am checking before I go to work (like right now), and every day there's gems like this.

Friday, July 01, 2005


We are your average ordinary...SUPER HEROES...somthing something something...ROCK AND ROLL BAND > _)!

Last night was the greatest event in the entire history of the universe. THE AQUABATS played a hole-in-the-wall a few miles from my apt, and when I say 'played', I really mean ROCKED OUR FREAKING SOULS until our soul-goo was all churny and started moshing and going nuts. We got to the place to see an 80s-looking band with laser guitars and bubble machines play song after song to an uncaring crowd of 15-year olds (this demographic would come into play later) and they were too loud and all their stuff sounded the same. Too bad.

We walked to the front and (a little backstory, before the show Eric and Jared asked me: 'is that what you're wearing?' and told me they were sporting stuff that could get trashed) as the 'Bats ran on stage, the entire 100-200 man crowd surged forward, pinning everyone together into a sweaty mass that swayed back and forth, left and right for a good 3 songs. We tried to be a rock that this wave splashed onto, but there were too many kids! I ended up getting sucked out to the right side of the stage, where I caught the entire show from a good vantagepoint. My bros stayed centerstage, and the Bat Commander grabbed them a few times / thrust the mic into their faces alot.

The Bat Commander is the MAN. He had soo much charisma, and he totally knew how to mess w/the crowd. Every time he raised a fist or struck a pose, there'd be a hundred crowd members mimicking him. That's the great thing about the concert. It was a SHOW. There were monsters, drama, poison, Journey, saxophones, all to a great pace that fed us more and more. I didn't realize at their second encore, but they had played 6 classics and 7 new tracks off their AWESOME new album. YEAH! How about that!! I love the new album! It's up there with Fury, but nothing will ever top that in my book.

PS, After 5 minutes the entire crowd was covered in sweat. Jared rang his shirt out, and a puddle happened.

Gotta go, kids.