Friday, June 08, 2007


Hey all. There's so much going on (like usual) that there's too many stories to tell and not enough time to tell it all in.

1) If you haven't gotten my "Z and I are engaged!" email, post a comment here and I'll get back to you. There's some ridiculous romance that happened in can check it out here!

2) The first of our 'gamer culture' documentaries is online! Check it out @ pbc-productions - and dig the crazy site redesign.

3) Brett and I are representing @ Anime Mid-Atlantic! Rez roped us in to help with the videogame room, and now we're showing Captain S as well!@ w00t!

more to come after it happens.


Blogger Jumpmen Podcast said...

Staffing the videogame room and partying every single night was surprisingly doable! I had trouble believing it at first (because sleep is very important to me) but it seems that my recent background as a never-sleep PA and Locations Assistant has embued me with the power to sustain over cons! ROCK!@

10:22 PM  

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