Wednesday, April 27, 2005

something wants this movie not made

So I was just doing some push-ups (step 2 daily routine) when Z's metal DVD rack came crashing down next to my head for no apparent reason. I guess it was just it's time to meet Mr. Floor.

There was nothing I could do, for myself or for the Nth Mile tapes it nearly crushed. It just narrowly missed us both. Go figure.

[ps, that malfunctioning tape got better]

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

pa-ra-pa, pa-ra-pa

Nth Mile capturing: smooth up until tape...5. WTF TAPE 5!!!?

The rap battle scenes and...basically everything that matters has captured up to this point. This may mean...FUN EDITS!!!!

Monday, April 25, 2005






* note: i'm on borrowed time w/this mini-DVcam this week, so updates = nada mucho.

** note note: if you 'get' the Scrabble board, remind me to give you a hearty handshake, sir.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

the fools!

There are alot of college-age kids living in my apartment complex, and it seems that all walks of college life are represented. Take the tenants of Apartment 19. They openly drink in the parking lot, shout ..who knows what until 8pm (now that the weather is good), have a 'breaking-the-lease-more-than-30-lbs' dog that they feed beer to...everything invoking the typical college drinking dropout.

My problem is that I believe that these seemingly harmless drunks are going to get really wasted one day and hurt that dog, or neglect it, or something. My finger is hovering above the 'Ninja Strike Force' button...but should I press it in a selfless act of prestrike? Go USA?

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

3 months after I make one for $50, they let one loose on ebay.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


dude, you're getting a FCXHD

I can't stop listening to the DJ Potatoe Super Collection. No matter when it comes on (and since I haven't changed my car's CD lineup in months..) I listen and sing along and rock out. It's great! It's polished! It's DJPOTATOE, cheap plug!

Monday, April 18, 2005

potato-themed dinner

Five, nay six minutes ago a happy UPS guy greeted an EVEN HAPPIER ME with Final Cut Express HD. mobile video awesomeness.

Thank you, job.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Shaved my head again...I miss having my hair whip in the wind when I'm driving at BREAK-NECK SPEEDS

..I wonder when I'll let it grow out again..

spinning head

What started as a fun way to kill some sibling beer turned into an all-night drink fest...with SATAN.

We thought it would fun. We were WRONG. DEAD WRONG.,

IN A WORLD........... /crap>


You would not believe how hard it is to keep in step when the rules are drink if: someone uses a Superpower or says 'Incredible'. Shane, Ashley, Shonen and I were the players. The movie...defeated us. Brad Bird...your love of the Fantastic Four and spy goood.....TOO GOOD.

Friday, April 15, 2005

fo~und you~

As I was just telling SUNY Albany Mike, I've been in PC/MAC limbo for the last few months, and have been unable/unwilling to take anything off of my palm. At long last, I (sort of) figured out how to do it on my new comp, so without ado, PRESENTING THE LAST FEW MONTHS!


isn't it great?

ps, GitarooMan just made a splash, blanco nino

golly gee

i'd love to update about The Amazing Blue Bunny Adventure, but my palm just froze up and I can't get it to Hotsync w/G5. POO!

Thursday, April 14, 2005


Fromm: "Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem which he has to solve and from which he cannot escape." - read at work


Tuesday, April 12, 2005


The Room

Today I had an appointment with Adam Kreigal, a really nice tall-ex-college-guy who, through a new SUNY Albany Business Studies program, landed his own AllState Insurance Agency and isn't paying any rent on it for the rest of the year. Adam learned me a thing or two about them thar insurANCE pollyseas, and yeah..if my G5 dies in a fire they will buy me the EXACT SAME ONE toot-sweet. Yeeh.

Adam was a big man who was actually a little bit younger than myself. He reminded me alot of myself, especially when I asked him how long he'd been out of college and he replied with a "phew! It's been a year already!" I hate venturing into the adult world and I'm sure Adam does too, even though we both like our jobs and where they are taking us. Something about us (and I'm sure it's true for every middle-class adult in the country) makes everyone yearn for the old days of School Reality, where the world was free and magical, and dinner appeared at a certain time like yummy clockwork.

What's funny is that Adam was the previous occupant of my current apartment, 15-22. His girlfriend and her dog also lived here, and they were of good standing w/the nutty woman who owns Mona (the cat that greets me at the window every time I come home.) Small world...two people, same apartment, similar dreams...we had what it takes to make it to apartment 1522, and we have what it takes to move on.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

record company gonna give you lots of money and everything's gonna BE ALL- - - RIGHT!

This weekend I hung out with two awesome homies, Nina and Sho-fag (aw yeah use of 'handles'). We hiked the CRAP out of a MA state park, embarked on some global domination, did some scrabble (fav word use: SEPIA) and whupped some skill-crane butt. This morn Nina and I decided to wake our sleeping compadre with some jumping/hitting, which produced some alternate side-effects - like Operation Toe Up The Asshole.

Great BOSTON! Go figure. Ate some pizza made by Pakistanis, it was pretty good. Indy in the Last Crusade = really good. Ilsa = different than I remembered. Lots of good and bad welling up inside her. Indy also seemed more "UHHG JESUS, COME INTO MINE HEART" at one point. Jesus says wassup to Your Mom, btw.

What I've gotten this kickass G5...and now I'm going to get renter's insurance, car insurance, a new phone plan, engine tuneup + new tires, and MORE! before I can afford a decent camera to go with it. My final purchase for it (for a long time) will be Final Cut + DVD Studio Pro + Motion for 500. Dollars, that is.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

does whatever a ninja can. biatch.

Ok, I'm just a gall-danged curious sonofagun:

How many people are reading this right now?

ANd out of you r-e-a-d-i-n-g, how many can c-o-m-m-e-n-t-?

Your Friendly Neighborhood-Killing Ninjaman


This post comes to you straight from my BlueTooth-enabled, Dual 2gb processor-running, 2gb of ram spinning 250lbs of harddrive rocking G5, bitches!


Monday, April 04, 2005

I wrote episode one of Captain S: The Game Master today. The third revision, that is.

It took a long time, but I finally had some inspiration (janitors) to rock it onto paper. Is it funny? You bet your ass it is. Experimental? Cheap? Everything the original mission statment mandated??

Yup, yup, and a big ole YUP!

Captain S: coming faster than my G5 (ships in 4 days!)


Saturday, April 02, 2005

oh, *GASP!*

Just saw Sin City for a second time, and with an uberly gay man sitting behind me as my witness, it is a straight up GUY THING with action, breasts and macho heroism smashed all over it.

The gay guy (his lisp/jokes/friends gave him away) remarked as he was leaving that it was the worst movie he'd ever seen. This made me wonder, as I thought it was one of the best action movies ever made. ..maybe he's alot like me. I hate romantic comedies with a passion. I think that some romantic comedies are the worst films ever shot. I wonder if his Will & Grace is my Dragon Ball Z.

Yeah. I wonder.

Then I realize that Sin City fucking ruled, gay or straight haters aside. People, go watch this movie in theatres, else you'll be kicking yourself in 2 years when it comes to Spike TV.

oh yeah

Sup everybody. Until I figure out the redesign (and get a new HTML editor...c'mon G5..+_), I'm going to have this BLARG blog courtesy of Something Besides LiveJournal.

You can still check out past images here.


you fat american internet people

Yup. This is the revolution. See this? It's called BLOGGING by NINJAS.

You thought ninjas weren't allowed to post on the internet, thought it was looked down by Godja, huh? You are an American pig-dog who eats the new Burger Qwang 700 cal 30 g fat burger! HEE-HO!