This past weekend was VGXPO in Philly, aka
Philly Classic with some NBC affiliates thrown in.
Friday I was driving all day, picking up The Riley Boys, Jwaquime (sp?) and Joe_Cam, finally making it to Philly and then Pappy's place in Pemberton, NJ at 1:30 AM. We (they) got blitzed and stayed up watching decently made fan-hentai until 5, at which Shael mumbled alot during his sleep on the drive home. Frigging PA construction!
Saturday came and went. X-Strike sold about 20 DVDs before I stopped counting; I passed out with 0 sleep before watching the rough cut of
Project: Snake with REZ and making 2 whole pages worth of notes. That movie is shaping up, but its got some fundamental flaws...much like that "other" movie that I'm editing right now! Speaking of which,.....gotta get back to that..
OK!@ Quick run-down on my favorite crap: Playing
Moon Patrol, beating Dragon's Lair, seeing some awesome cabinets like Defender, Zaxxon, Berserk, and more. Getting good feedback on Nth Mile, hanging out (and passing out) with great friends. Thanks to Devon for snapping 1/2 of these.