one cool dude

Hung out with a cool cat 'Jonathan' at Crossgates today. We played DDR, HydroThunder, Time Crisis3, the usual. He told alot of stories and I threw in some of mine. He's a real straight-up kind of guy, kind of like me...even raised out in the boonies, too. Anywho, we walked the entire mall about 3 times and wound up in an EB, where I realize that I still haven't picked up the August Nintendo Power where RCR gets a mention. I snag it and proceed to squawk proudly about the guys I used to hang with and how it feels so good to see something you toiled on get mentioned in a national magazine, even if it's way in the back.
I have a way of not mentioning X-Strike when I meet people. I feel like if I say "oh yeah well i used to make movies!" potential friends might think I'm full of crap or worse, full of myself. Today marked the first time I proudly displayed, to a full stranger, my secret hobby. "I make movies about videogames, usually on less than $200." I called it a night when he mentioned seeing Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Don't be afraid to put that one out there. That's my way of telling people down here in PA that I have such cool friends in MY. I'm like, "Yeah, I have these freinds that make movies off of video games cause Hollywood sucks at doing it right with their inflated budgets and over sized egos." Stand Proud! Remember the BJ's!
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