potato-themed dinner
Five, nay six minutes ago a happy UPS guy greeted an EVEN HAPPIER ME with Final Cut Express HD. One..step...closer...to mobile video awesomeness.
Thank you, job.
Thank you, job.

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Hulk Hogan is the man. I mean, let's face it, he had NO wrestling skill at all, yet he is the greatest wrestler of all time.
Which makes me wonder, is there something I suck at that I could still be the best at?
hmmm, I suck at making money and also being muscular. But if I have enough Hulk Hogan charisma, I might be able to fake my way into having people give me money and believing that I'm wicked mighty strong.
I've read his autobiography, and I think the best thing the Hulkster had going was that he let his first trainer (a drunk japanese dude) torture him for a whole year before he even learned that real wrestling was fake.
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