Sunday, February 19, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006
400 copies . . .
a dream becomes reality...
...aka what you get when you know how to get it.
I returned home from a day of printing ToyBox inserts to find that the super-blustery-weather had not only knocked the trademark Building 15 Sneakers off of the power lines, but the power for the whole area was out. Solution? RUN!
My lungs have officially regressed to where they were a year ago, before all that training I did for the DOCS olympics. What was it I was saying to myself a year ago? "Why the hell did I ever quit soccer?! I feel great and soccer is awesome!! Woohoo never gonna stop playing soccer!" Hmm...something smells like almonds.
...aka what you get when you know how to get it.
I returned home from a day of printing ToyBox inserts to find that the super-blustery-weather had not only knocked the trademark Building 15 Sneakers off of the power lines, but the power for the whole area was out. Solution? RUN!
My lungs have officially regressed to where they were a year ago, before all that training I did for the DOCS olympics. What was it I was saying to myself a year ago? "Why the hell did I ever quit soccer?! I feel great and soccer is awesome!! Woohoo never gonna stop playing soccer!" Hmm...something smells like almonds.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Monday, February 13, 2006
Sunday, February 12, 2006

This past weekend....hey...wait, it hasn't ended yet...well, THIS WEEKEND, I've been scurrying between Middletown and Brooklyn. After a brief stay at the Riley's, Devon and I drove right past the convenient train stop in Middletown for the more familiar one in Harrison (hour and 1/2 away..doh).
A friend of a friend (hereafter known as "my friend") Yvette needed some Final Cut expertise and I was more than happy to provide it. Her place in Manhattan was actually an office building that just happened to have all the right 'apartment' fixings inside. With brand-new, grant-supplied equipment in tow, she's poised to establish her own production company - and if that means more freelance editing for me, then yippee! The stuff we threw together was a mock-up of a children's show she's going to use for an audition tape, but her real ambition is to simply build puppets for a living. Her skills are across the board...voice acting, sculpture, marionettes, production...check her out if you want.
Dev and I viewed a couple was spacious but the landlord = shady, the other was small and expensive, but it had an attached private garden that doubled the space!
larger apt: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
smaller apt: 1 2 3 4
Last night I partied with a solid 30 people, all geeks, at this guy Alan's house up in Saratoga. Highlights included playing this really cool D&D inspired poker game, being duped into taking a shot of 110% proof Chartruse by this lawyer chick who totally lied about its contents, and staying at a fun, 'mildly intoxicated' level through some rounds of Kings. Right now I'm gonna head back over there and...well, if it's interesting enough, you'll hear about it. IMAGE DUMP!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
too busy to post?
say it isn't so!'s not so. See? I am the posting right now!
Last weekend in NYC was 90% great, 10% freak-out, mainly because I was helped to the conclusion of "most NYC apartments are sm-alllllll!"/. The good parts can be found here.
We ate at awesome restaurants. We stayed at Annie Evans' place (three Sesame Street Emmys were ontop of the piano) and watched a Christina Aguilera DVD. Everything was peachy keen until we viewed the amazingly sweet and nice Kamela's 2nd floor apartment. Everything was great about it - good neighborhood, close to the subway, available parking, the only thing that was, well, not the best thing for the two of us was the space. There was a small closet, but other than that it was just two 10x12 rooms, bathroom and kitchen. I was bummed...and I'm sure Z was too.
They were soooo nice...she even gave us Pepsis as we walked out the door. We wound up talking about it and drinking those Pepsis in the nearby Jewish about surreal>
The apt hunt continues today!
My MAGFEST 4 pics - somehow none of 'em made it to this years' MAGumentary, which you can now check out - along with every doc made about MAGfest, all the way back to the ghetto-long-weird Wuffester M1 tribute -
MAGfest video collection!'s not so. See? I am the posting right now!
Last weekend in NYC was 90% great, 10% freak-out, mainly because I was helped to the conclusion of "most NYC apartments are sm-alllllll!"/. The good parts can be found here.
We ate at awesome restaurants. We stayed at Annie Evans' place (three Sesame Street Emmys were ontop of the piano) and watched a Christina Aguilera DVD. Everything was peachy keen until we viewed the amazingly sweet and nice Kamela's 2nd floor apartment. Everything was great about it - good neighborhood, close to the subway, available parking, the only thing that was, well, not the best thing for the two of us was the space. There was a small closet, but other than that it was just two 10x12 rooms, bathroom and kitchen. I was bummed...and I'm sure Z was too.
They were soooo nice...she even gave us Pepsis as we walked out the door. We wound up talking about it and drinking those Pepsis in the nearby Jewish about surreal>
The apt hunt continues today!
My MAGFEST 4 pics - somehow none of 'em made it to this years' MAGumentary, which you can now check out - along with every doc made about MAGfest, all the way back to the ghetto-long-weird Wuffester M1 tribute -
MAGfest video collection!
Thursday, February 02, 2006

In case anybody wanted to know (since I cut it from the MAG4 vid), here is my breakdown of BAD LUCK WEEKEND, from January, Friday th13th.
Thursday the 12th:
1. Mike Sacco tells me he can't make MAGfest.
2. I 'just happen' to be videotaping the barricade obstacle at class 05-13's final obstacle course run when Officer Milk decides he's going to do the best barricade-jump of all time. He does a super jump and turns 360 degrees in the air, landing wrong on his right leg, and blows out his knee. He was two obstacles away from graduating. Paramedics are called. This. Never. Happens.
3. As I was driving to Shael's, I was on the phone telling Z about this unfortunate incident. Suddenly the semi in front of me swerves to the right to reveal a car-sized crate lying in the middle of the road. There's no time to react. It barely misses my car.
Friday the 13th:
I waited for something horrible to happen, but nothing came. This was yet another ominous sign of something REALLY BAD to come.
Saturday the 14th:
4. Wave Theory AND The Smash Bros (my favorite VGcover bands) have horrid sound problems. We couldn't even hear Prozax's guitar! None of the other bands have said problems.
5. A total stranger (now a good buddy) randomly stumbles into our hotel room and starts puking his guts out and singing/mumbling in the sink. He had way too much of everything to drink and jumped around alot at the concert. Me and Rory keep him company and although he was drinking alot of water, he doesn't keep it down. People are sent out to find anybody who knows him.
1/2 an hour passes. This guy Rob shows up, and we mistakenly think he knows him. He doesn' fact, he seems a little stressed out. While we're talking to Rob about how the guy needs to leave and get taken care of somewhere else, Rob faints and nobody could react fast enough to catch him before he faceplants onto the bathroom tile. Sighs all around.
So we had two problems. One was the guy still puking/singing in the sink, and the other just awoke screaming and bleeding on the bathroom floor. Rob gets up and his teeth look crazy messed up (he landed right on them). While he's freaking out, this guy Royal shows up and orders somebody to call the paramedics. He also tells us that because of the booze in the bathtub and the situation going on in our room, somebody is liable to go to jail. This revelation freaks us the hell out!
Eventually the hotel night manager and paramedics show up, two guys go to the hospital and everyone calms down...but not before some unknown party sprays trash/baby powder all over the doors on our floor. Yes - these were the only two incidents to happen all weekend, and they happened right in our midst. Why did mystery drunk just happen to knock on OUR DOOR? Bad luck weekend!!!
An epilogue? Eric's friend Steve messed up his ankle really bad, one of Z's friends took a big ole' emotional crap on her, and generally anybody I'm close to had a crazy couple of days. On Sunday I saw Rob (with new braces) and 'the guy', who both looked 110% better and would fully recover. I wondered what would be next, but nothing truly horrible did. In fact, the next weekend I got a call from Waverly Films to be a PA on their latest music video! Yeah!!! That was some serious GOOD LUCK to balance out the bad! END!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
head go blargh
I felt like crap today. Yesterday I forgot something important, and it bit me in the ass when I was on the phone with Z. Sometimes it really seems that my terrible memory is out to get me. Anyway, we talked and crap escalated, and by the end I was straight-up rambling about all my insecurities...maybe phoning her right before I pass out is a bad thing...
Anyway, I went to bed feeling depressed and couldn't shake it today. I sat in front of the computer trying to work, and all I could crank out was this:

Anyway, I went to bed feeling depressed and couldn't shake it today. I sat in front of the computer trying to work, and all I could crank out was this:

i was gonna clean my room...
Whenever i feel burnt out at work, I come home early and hammer out some updates to the site! Is it misplaced anger? Ferverous nervousness working into my psyche?
It took two days, but I finished a new music video. Rez had made a fan-video to Silent Horror (which he had numerous bootlegs of - even on his PSP) and while watching it I had a "why the hell was I not doing this already??" moment.
Thanks, Rez, for the inspiration.
It took two days, but I finished a new music video. Rez had made a fan-video to Silent Horror (which he had numerous bootlegs of - even on his PSP) and while watching it I had a "why the hell was I not doing this already??" moment.
Nth Mile - Cuz I Got High
Thanks, Rez, for the inspiration.