Tuesday, March 06, 2007


hey all. this is a straight-up rant.

As of 2 minutes ago, I have officially turned down work 5 times in the last 10 days, so that I may continue doing all-day post-production on Captain S.

this suuuuuuuuuuuckcs===s=s==s=ss=s=s

At first, a dry spell from work was great! I thought I might start looking for work in February, but the sheer amount of editing / prepping / shooting has kept me at home in front of the computer since January. For my career as well as my bank account, I cannot go another month without being on a film set. Captain S must end!!!!!!!

I am so proud of our little project (that has grown into a big monster project) that I won't care about being poor once I have another job lined up. I think that when I'm jobless, something snaps in my brain and I get all anxious about searching to find another. Maybe the next project I do with PBC, I'll be better about this period of 'unemployed time'. Maybe still we'll budget our time better / not pick up a project that takes so freaking long to complete. Like Patrick's.


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