Monday, September 11, 2006

TSFM day 1

Production started yesterday on Then She Found Me, and for most of it I was on my own. The 'up and at 'em' attitude I learned being a PA totally pays off when doing Locations, because you're expected to fix sound and immediate area problems ASAP. There was just one time where I wasn't performing fast enough to suit their tastes, and shit was hitting the fan. Production doesn't like to be held up, even for a minute.

I've had my first real sit-down time, too, waiting at the location for everyone there to finish packing up their trucks and leave. For two hours I sat at the Staten Island Children's Museum, just waiting, so I picked up trash and read some of The Two Towers to pass the time. By the end of the day our wonderful contact had had enough of us (I'm sure I'll see that again in people) and was ready to go home and eat some comfort food. At the end of my day (20 hours), I passed out and was unconscious until about 8:30 in the morning. Thank goodness for a pushed call time! A woman from our next location just called me and said she accidentally dialed me at 2AM last night...I have no memory of this conversation.

Day Two, punks!


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