Monday, September 04, 2006


It's Labor Day and my girlfriend just went to work.

It's Labor Day and I'm about to joyously sit around and play videogames in my boxers for hours and hours and hours, which I've been thinking was exactly what I used to do in HighSchool. Ever since my family had a computer and I owned an RPG for it, I would sit around and play it until my back muscles hurt and I had to play it standing up.

I'm listening to the soundtrack to Revelations: Persona, an RPG released by Atlus (my favorite developer/overseas distributor) in the summer before Final Fantasy 7 came out and overshadowed all Playstation 1 RPGs. The world of Persona is set in modern-day Japan; the cast is a bunch of HighSchool kids; the story - decidedly sci-fi. It's different/great. I'm getting pumped just sitting here.

"I love videogames because I love the stories!" I used to tell people. This one is one of the best.

Persona 3 is due to come out soon...until then, Disgaea.11


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