Friday, September 01, 2006


Work is boring so here's a list of my favorite things from the Internet this week!

(1) Interview with former SEGA USA major awesome man, Tom Kalinske.
I knew virtually nothing about the crazy history of my favorite videogame company, SEGA, until I read this eye-opening article about how the Genesis went from owning 2% of the market share to a whopping 50%. Think about that - it takes a genius to pull that off, and SEGA's underdog USA office was the one to do it, under the vision/control of Tom Kalinske. When he left the company...well, you read it!

(2) Total disrespect to Bush's Katrina speech!
The mic of the announcer who brings us into CNN's broadcast of Bush's speech does not turn her mic off. to the bathroom...and talks to another woman about 'good people'. Yeah, I lol'd.

(3) BAGMAN - the best 10 minutes of B-movie action schlock, ever
Keep with it until minute 4 hits. If you're not giggling / glued to the screen, hurry and kill yourself.

(4) Ultrasound.
Medical stuff creeps me out.

(5) OK GO: Here it goes again
Happy music video treadmill YAY


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