Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Sausage Fest recap

hey all. Blogger's been acting all funny lately. Maybe it caught my cold.(

Let's recap!

FAGfest happened again, this time in Jersey at Pappy's house, which by sheer floor space (or lack thereof) should not support a sausage fest of this magnitude. The first night I slept kind of crooked on a loveseat with my legs thrown over the high arms. Virt, Devon, Derux and I passed out sometime around 4am to a hearty game of "what am I thinking of?"

The next day we watched Rez, then Joe, then Rez play an assortment of videogames, including Doom, FF12 (freaking badass bunny-klingon girl), and the undistributed, cheesy but cool-looking Altered Beast remake. Shael and I took on The Rez in some Doom deathmatches, which was awesome. I'd only ever DM'd my uncle Bernard in those lonely days before the WWW was launched..it really brought me back! THEN some more remeniscing happened, courtesy of Pappy's awesome anime collection. I threw on Dominion: Tank Police and remembered fondly my Middle School days, getting into anime, watching it at my good friend Josh's place and getting really excited about Robotech and role-playing. I can't remember how we met, him and me, but we had some excellent times.

Tank Police rocked. Shael and some others couldn't stand it, but I was really wrapped up in the nostalgia. Catgirls with missle launchers, a deep story with crazy humor thrown in there for the crap of it, - it blew me away. I wish they had continued the storyline from the OVAs, but like Berserk, there's no way in hell that'll happen. I'll have to download the manga, maybe. maybe.

Against my moaning and wailing, Papster threw on "Sailor and the Seven Balls", THE ABSOLUTE WORST HENTAI, EVER. It has 2D and 3D animation, all horribly mishmashing together, terrible Japanese dubbing, and a plot so terribly convoluted that you'd swear the entire thing was cooked up by some highschooler's dirty fanfic. The sheer amount of characters from different animes becomes a kind of "guess who" towards the end, as each pair of mismatched love monkeys humps with 2 frames repeated faster and faster. A man could write a book dissecting Sat7B, piece by sticky piece, coming to logical conclusions as to "why the author thought this would be funny" or "what obscure reference makes this OK".
On the bright side, if it weren't so godawful, it wouldn't be entertaining.

The reunited team of Rez + Chad = Team BIGGAMECOCK wasn't enough to take down Devon and Virt, who outshined us with a hilarious Prozzak song set to Army of Darkness. We had all planned to do Disney's Robin Hood, which I've had my editing eye on for a looong time, but the DVDs were infused with pixie dust or some crap and wouldn't rip properly. Seriously though, their video kicked ass. I feel vindicated in my loss, finally.

HEY, REZ, if you're out there, i wanna see you edit AoD to that song you liked! Do it, bra!


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