Sunday, October 15, 2006

PS I <3 you, week 0

z: so, how was your week?

me: . . . there's so many stories... too many stories. There's so many stories that already I can't recall them at will.

This happens every single week. After 15-20 hour days working on a film set, my brain shuts down and my body continues to function in Zombie Mode. I've been getting better/used to it lately, feeling less tired after a 5-hour night, but there is at least one crazy story that happens every day of production that I couldn't for the life of me tell to you right now, regardless of how interesting it is.

Enter Copykat.

I was hanging out in Forbidden Planet, waiting on Shael to show so I could accompany him on a spamming run, when I came across issue #1 of Copykat. Already holding a few selections that I knew would be good wrap gifts for my buds on TSFM, I was used to skimming titles/artwork and picking out the gems in the 'Non-Superhero' section. When my eyes beholdeth Copykat, I was bewildered. Like most indy comics, the pages turn quick and the price is not justified, but the artwork was VERY. INSPIRING.

The backgrounds are, for the most part, real pictures that have an overexposed photocopy look to them. The characters are cartoony, but...why couldn't I use a similar technique with real people? (see: I can't draw, pg.10) The thought entered my head: what if I serialized my production stories? What if I used the actual locations, actual people, actual quotes? All I lack is a giant stapler...yeah, why not??! I've got time! (or none) Serialized Life, here I come!!

(being a Locations PA again, I just might have time to plan out some stories from the last year. or not.)

pps, MAGFEST 2k7 !!!!!


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