around Astoria

Z and I do a thing called 'Letterboxing'. It's a pretty cool thing...feels like being in a secret society of sorts when we're out in the field doing it. In an urban setting, there's an added element of stealth that you have to maintain while searching out the letterbox, too - which is freaking awesome.

One of the boxes was actually a magnetic keybox that was attached underneath a phone booth on 1st Ave. After we steathily removed and stamped it (a block away), we returned to find a cop was positioned not 15 feet away! We had to improv a little, I grabbed the phone and pretended to dial, blocking his view. while while Z put the keybox back in its original position. You just don't get that kind of excitement searching out a box in the middle of a State Park, where you're mostly alone and nobody gives a crap. I guess in NYC nobody gives a crap either, which we had going for us.

We did 4 out of 4 letterboxes today, a Chad+Z record!!
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As for TSFM this week, it was pretty chill. There were some stressful moments where I had to shut down noisy construction sites with nothing but my kind words and a face that makes the ladies go "you're such a nice young man!" Bay Ridge,'s a pretty chill place, even though there were 7 or more construction sites in a 3-block radius.
At one point props had a hose hooked up to a fire hydrant and made it rain HARD outside a set window. The sunlight reflected off of passing cars, however, indicating that past the 10 feet where it was pouring there was nothing but sunshine. We did a lot of takes.

Check the IMAGE DUMP for some awesome graffiti, including this natural gem.

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