WTD day 13

We later found out that he was a cop (those are our 'no parking' cones).
Our second last day in Bayonne. The medical building demanded autographed pictures of Lucy Liu, and I said I'd see what I could do. This essentially means "no" in Chad-Speak, I'm learning that about myself. It's a passive-aggressive no, it's the no that says "I'll try, but I suck so probably not".
It took me 30 minutes to turn off the Church's discoball the other day. I simply tried every single switch in the place, and when looking for more switches proved fruitless, I called on the help of a teenager who was there to watch the office late-night. We figured it out, and thus put an end to The Mysterious Disco Ball Mystery.
Not much has happened in the last two days. There's so much free time that I'm actually bouncing ideas off of the other PAs for stories and musicals and stuff. It's fun. Right now, Dan Glockner, a PA, is flying back from Miami. He flew down there, for one day, to see the cast/crew premiere of Miami Vice, a movie he assisted on. He seemed really psyched and gave up a day of work to pay big $$ to fly down. It makes me wonder what I'll be doing during the premiere of THIS movie - cuz mark my words, it'll be in national theatres.
This Saturday I'll be driving golf balls (always a good time) with a great new friend, John Acardo, and after that it's SERIOUS DATE TIME. Anybody got a suggestion for a date activity in the greater NYC area? I'll seriously read them all.
In other news, one woman got the opportunity to speak the truth. Our government sucks.
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