WTD, day 3

next it'll be LOL SHOES
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Today Cillian's wife came to set, along with their very young baby. I had heard that they ALL flew up to spend the month here during filming, and now I know why. Related story - on my way to set one of our PAs ran up with fear in his eyes, telling me about some sort of 'baby accident' and asking for toilet paper ASAP. I booked to the Unit Truck and ran over to the 2-banger as fast as my widdle wocations wegs could carry me. There stood Cillian, holding the very stinky baby. Thankfully, the poo-explosion had already been contained, but the failure to communicate a lack of TP on any other day to me was obvious. I ran back to the Unit and stocked his trailer full of toiletries as the threesome made their way to set.
In contrast to that mini-nugget of a story, I've been reading a book by a psychologist who only helps actors reclaim their 'inner child'. She compares acting blocks to social blocks, and says that to fully be relaxed, which is what every actor needs to be to fully utilize their tools, they must go back to their childhood and finally deal with extensive issues. Thinking about it today, I wonder if our young actor was ready to face the scene...or maybe he's just so good that it didn't even phase him.
Am I obsessed with stars? Maybe I should just get it through my head that they're regular people, just with bigger on-screen presence than everyone else. Oh, btw, Lucy is now officially SUPER-AWESOME; she's making our production RECYCLE. Freaking brilliant! If you only knew how much trash films/TV goes through in a day...
Day 2 Images
marker from SpiderMan 3
5AM at 1st Set, Marshall + Nick, two badass team players
Somehow this pasta package wound up onTOP of the catering truck
Holding @ Public School 154
the most ridiculous neighbors, by SMELL (I walk past them every morning)
everything else
Mandatory recycling on set is amazing! I always wind up starting the recycling bag, sorting through the garbage to fill it, then bringing it back to my apt to put it in the bin.
Z used to bring home two giant sacks of empty soda cans from Big Big World, and apparently it was only the tip of the iceberg.
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