weekendz y0
Where to start, Mr. Blog?

WTD days 14-15
The last couple production days were hectic. Our move out of Bayonne was less than smooth, and in the end I wound up getting home at around 4:30 in the morning. During the move I had less than 'E' on the gas-o-meter, and when I and Craig (the intern turned PA) could finally find a place in Brooklyn that sold Diesel, I had to shell out paper monies out of my own wallet in order to fill 'er up. Craig is funny to work with, a real class clown like my lil bro. When we're not throwing Adam Sandler quotes back and forth during work, we're doing push-ups on the sidewalk or some other nonsense. Trinidy, Mia, Craig, John...working with friends rules.
Yesterday Z and I had a serious talk about my lack of work around the apartment, which deep down I knew had to increase sometime soon. Being pretty much destroyed when I get home on weekdays and needing to catch up with sleep / fun things on the weekends was leaving me no time to do things that I SHOULD BE DOING, like cleaning, groceries, laundry, paying attention to Z .. y'know, general upkeep. She'd been doing the bulk of it since we arrived in April and I totally appreciate her willingness to support us through these testing times. It's finally come, though, where I have to start pitching in more, regardless of whether I have "the time". After our chat we were like a Tag Team Hurricane, sweeping up all the crap and organizing/cleaning. We ate at a Czech restaurant with a boar's head on the wall, and it was glorious.

8:00 SUN
I had a dream last night that I was throwing an All-Chad-Affair concert/show thing, where I put the best parts of me on display. During the planning stages, though, X-Strike shows up and wants to do something, new scenes for River City Rumble, live on stage, improv. I kept waking up from this nightmare until I just HAD TO stay up and not sleep any more.
9:30AM SUN
Our neighbors one apartment below have moved out, leaving us with TWO FREE AIR CONDITIONERS. Well, we held out for most of the summer, and yet fate has decreed that we should render our apartment's temperature until it submits to the cool. Rob (or was it Matt?) and I sliced our hands open on the AC's metal grating - in the same exact spot. He carried one up through the fire escape after our first journey up the stairs made the thing leak all over the place, and on me. It's strange...all four of us are so compatible that we would have been fast friends, but we never hung out - no time. Sometimes I look at the free time that I have, cancelling movie dates and golfing expos with friends to do practical "have to do it!" things, and sigh. This amazing life has no room for hanging out, and I miss it. I miss friends.

WTD days 14-15
The last couple production days were hectic. Our move out of Bayonne was less than smooth, and in the end I wound up getting home at around 4:30 in the morning. During the move I had less than 'E' on the gas-o-meter, and when I and Craig (the intern turned PA) could finally find a place in Brooklyn that sold Diesel, I had to shell out paper monies out of my own wallet in order to fill 'er up. Craig is funny to work with, a real class clown like my lil bro. When we're not throwing Adam Sandler quotes back and forth during work, we're doing push-ups on the sidewalk or some other nonsense. Trinidy, Mia, Craig, John...working with friends rules.
Yesterday Z and I had a serious talk about my lack of work around the apartment, which deep down I knew had to increase sometime soon. Being pretty much destroyed when I get home on weekdays and needing to catch up with sleep / fun things on the weekends was leaving me no time to do things that I SHOULD BE DOING, like cleaning, groceries, laundry, paying attention to Z .. y'know, general upkeep. She'd been doing the bulk of it since we arrived in April and I totally appreciate her willingness to support us through these testing times. It's finally come, though, where I have to start pitching in more, regardless of whether I have "the time". After our chat we were like a Tag Team Hurricane, sweeping up all the crap and organizing/cleaning. We ate at a Czech restaurant with a boar's head on the wall, and it was glorious.

8:00 SUN
I had a dream last night that I was throwing an All-Chad-Affair concert/show thing, where I put the best parts of me on display. During the planning stages, though, X-Strike shows up and wants to do something, new scenes for River City Rumble, live on stage, improv. I kept waking up from this nightmare until I just HAD TO stay up and not sleep any more.
9:30AM SUN
Our neighbors one apartment below have moved out, leaving us with TWO FREE AIR CONDITIONERS. Well, we held out for most of the summer, and yet fate has decreed that we should render our apartment's temperature until it submits to the cool. Rob (or was it Matt?) and I sliced our hands open on the AC's metal grating - in the same exact spot. He carried one up through the fire escape after our first journey up the stairs made the thing leak all over the place, and on me. It's strange...all four of us are so compatible that we would have been fast friends, but we never hung out - no time. Sometimes I look at the free time that I have, cancelling movie dates and golfing expos with friends to do practical "have to do it!" things, and sigh. This amazing life has no room for hanging out, and I miss it. I miss friends.
I've learned that in exchange for all the amazing things you get from life, you gotta sacrifice something. For those of us that love this business, the natural sacrifice is our free time. Add a meaningful relationship to that & we further sacrifice the time it takes to build outside relationships or indulge personal interests to keep that relationship strong. The trick is knowing when to switch up your priorities to get what you need. But don't think I've figured it out yet, I still drop everything whenever a job comes around. :)
Hello. I love your blog, it is very nice. You can see pictures of me on http://nudecharm.net - See you soon baby ;)
Hello. I love your blog, it is very nice. You can see pictures of me on http://nudecharm.net - See you soon baby ;)
Hello. I love your blog, it is very nice. You can see pictures of me on http://nudecharm.net - See you soon baby ;)
Hello. I love your blog, it is very nice. You can see pictures of me on http://nudecharm.net - See you soon baby ;)
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